Monday, August 06, 2007

More on XML output from MySql

In a previous post I described how you could create XML output from SQL using stored functions. But that was a flat structure, with only one table and simple XML structure with a tag for every row in the result set, and column values as attributes or sub tags. Part of the real power of the XML format is that it supports more complicated structures, with hierarchical data. If you need to produce XML for integration with another application you will probably have to produce a XML with data from several tables, and a hierarchical structure. To accomplish this in MySQL we can use the GROUP_CONCAT function, combined with our XML stored functions.

An example:
We take our select statement from the previous post, that gives us a list of tables in xml format:

select xml_tag('table',null, concat(xml_attr('name',t.table_name),
from information_schema.tables t
where t.table_schema = 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'

We then add a join with the columns table to get column data:
inner join information_schema.columns c on c.table_name = t.table_name and c.table_schema = t.table_schema

and replace the last parameter of the xml_tag function call, the one for the subtags with a new xml_tag function call to produce a column tag:

This gives us:
select xml_tag('table',null, concat(xml_attr('name',t.table_name),
from information_schema.tables t
inner join information_schema.columns c on c.table_name = t.table_name and c.table_schema = t.table_schema
where t.table_schema = 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'

Running this gives us:

<table name="CHARACTER_SETS" engine="MEMORY" >
<table name="CHARACTER_SETS" engine="MEMORY" >
<table name="CHARACTER_SETS" engine="MEMORY" >
<table name="CHARACTER_SETS" engine="MEMORY" >
<table name="COLLATIONS" engine="MEMORY" >

OK, this is some kind of structure, column tags inside the table tag. But still we have one table tag for every column, but we want one for every table, with all the column tags inside. To accomplish this we add a group by clause, and use the GROUP_CONCAT function for the column tags. This gives us the following SELECT:
select xml_tag('table',null, concat(xml_attr('name',t.table_name),
xml_attr('engine',t.engine)),GROUP_CONCAT(xml_tag('column',c.column_name,null,null) separator ''))
from information_schema.tables t
inner join information_schema.columns c on c.table_name = t.table_name and c.table_schema = t.table_schema
where t.table_schema = 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'
group by t.table_name, t.engine

And the following result:
<table name="CHARACTER_SETS" engine="MEMORY" >
<table name="COLLATIONS" engine="MEMORY" >

OK, this is what we wanted! Just one small problem left... When I run this on my laptop I get the error 1260 with the following message:
%d line(s) were cut by GROUP_CONCAT()
And the result is only 7 rows. This is because the group_concat_max_len has a value that is too small. You can reset it with the command:

SET [SESSION | GLOBAL] group_concat_max_len = val

I set it with the command:
SET GLOBAL group_concat_max_len = 2048

I then rerun the command, and there is no error, and 23 records.

Code for the stored functions is available at MySql forge.


adaniels said...

Hi Erik (long time no talk, how are you).

This method of creating XML is nice, since it only uses standard MySQL functions and is therefor available to everybody.

However if you have root access to the server, you can add functions to MySQL (so called UDFs). There are a lot of libraries, including one I've written to create XML. It is now part of the newly started 'MySQL UDF repository' which can be found at It gives you a cleaner and faster way to create XML.

dm9 said...

Thanks for SET group_concat_max_len = 2048!

This really saved me time :)